SPRING EMEA newsletter 2015
welcome new EMEA board members
This past February a new EMEA board was elected for a two-year term.
February 2015-January 2017
Congratulations to:
Lisa Williams- President
Andrew Lesko- Presdent-Elect
Alina Rozanski- Past President
Deborah Barrows-Executive Manager
Virgnia Ford-Treasurer
Kristin Levison- Secretary
February 2015-January 2017
Congratulations to:
Lisa Williams- President
Andrew Lesko- Presdent-Elect
Alina Rozanski- Past President
Deborah Barrows-Executive Manager
Virgnia Ford-Treasurer
Kristin Levison- Secretary
From The President
Musical Greetings EMEA Members!
I hope all is going well for everyone as Spring comes along. This is our first EMEA newsletter for the year and plan to use this format to share with you current information that is going on with EMEA, The Eastern Divsion, and NAfME. The EMEA board and I are excited to be planning some exciting events for our Fall Conference in November with great presenters. We will keep you posted as we move forward. Please let us know how we can help and support you and your schools.
Together in Education,
Lisa Williams
I hope all is going well for everyone as Spring comes along. This is our first EMEA newsletter for the year and plan to use this format to share with you current information that is going on with EMEA, The Eastern Divsion, and NAfME. The EMEA board and I are excited to be planning some exciting events for our Fall Conference in November with great presenters. We will keep you posted as we move forward. Please let us know how we can help and support you and your schools.
Together in Education,
Lisa Williams
From March 1-March 31 We are celebrating
MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH. This year marks the 30th Anniversary which engages music educators, students, and communities to promote high quality music programs in schools. |
EMEA MEMBERS: We want to know how you are celebrating MIOSM.
Share your stories and photos with us on our website. Send to: [email protected] |
CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE for music in our schools month
Change your profile picture on Facebook and/or Twitter for the month of March!
Eastern Division conference April 9-12, 2015
The NAfME Eastern Divsion Conference is coming up in April. This year the conference will be in Providence,RI.
what's happening at Nafme
2015 National in-Service Conference October 25-28, 2015
2015 NAfME Collegiate Advocacy Summit
Broader Minded
2015 NAfME Collegiate Advocacy Summit
Broader Minded
Don't forget to renew your membership. Our Executive Manager Deborah Barrows will keep you posted when it is time to renew. If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact Deborah.
March 2015