2017 fall emea cONFERENCE
NOVEMBER 3-4, 2017
Interested in presenting at this years conference or in the future? CONTACT EMEA
Presenters for the 2017 fall conference
*Dr. William Carson is a respected leader in the American band community. He will present for HS/MS bands, lead a band reading session, and more.
*Dr. Nancy Klein is a highly sought after clinician and choral personality. She will present a choral clinic with the Stuttgart High School Chorus, a choral reading session, and more.
*Austin Otto the famous songwriter and enthusiastic character from Quaver Music, will present intensive workshops on both days.
*Dr. Glenn Nierman is the immediate former national president of NAfME. He will be sharing inspirational music education insight as well as cutting edge perspectives about standards based teaching.
*Dr. William Carson is a respected leader in the American band community. He will present for HS/MS bands, lead a band reading session, and more.
*Dr. Nancy Klein is a highly sought after clinician and choral personality. She will present a choral clinic with the Stuttgart High School Chorus, a choral reading session, and more.
*Austin Otto the famous songwriter and enthusiastic character from Quaver Music, will present intensive workshops on both days.
*Dr. Glenn Nierman is the immediate former national president of NAfME. He will be sharing inspirational music education insight as well as cutting edge perspectives about standards based teaching.